Follow the checklist:

👉You get enough sunlight exposure (does your office at least have a window? Or, just a light bulb?
👉Your circadian rhythm is tunned (looking at pc, phone’s screen disrupts it, for example)🛌
👉You drink from a good source of water.
👉You manage your stress in a resilient way (like you only get the amount of stress you can manage, no more than that?)
👉You exercise in a regular basis.💃🏃‍♂️🏊‍♂️ Don’t forget our brain needs fitness too (meditation will do).
👉You limit your exposure to radiofrequency radiation from cellphones and microwave, for instance. I just got a small pot to heat up my kid’s soup instead of using microwave, this latter is becomes a ornament in my apt).
👉 You follow a whole food plan. Like whole grains, as opposed to whole grain cheerios or bread. Time to clean up our cupboards. Bye bye processed foods and fake sugars.
👉Your veggies and fruits intake includes a variety of colors, enough for your to get all the phytonutrients that are essential for our body functions.
👉You eat healthy fats (medium chain fats). For instance canola oils, yikes!😶it is artificially engineered, nothing natural about it)
👉Your nervous system is not dysregulated (what does it even mean? We will talk about this in another post). Chronic stress does get you a bill in the mail if the stressor is not resolved (which lets your nervous system in a fight-flight-freeze mode).
👉You breath 🙂… opposed to holding your breath or hyperventilating (is it possible we have forgotten how to breath to up-regulate our parasympathetic nervous system?).

Do you climb trees?🙈 Never mind, however exposure to nature makes us more resilient to stress. (you might find me trying to climb a tree in a attempt to reconnect to nature though).

♦️If you have checked “yes” to all the above, congrats!! then “NO need for anything else”, right? 🙂🙂🙂
♦️Otherwise, there is a couple of things that have been helping me greatly and to many people as well, you can TAKE ACTION too:
❤Mindfulness meditation!!! 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️ Aaah, how many times have you already heard this?🤔 A practice to be implemented in our routines just as much you set a time apart to brush and floss your teeth. Technology like the muse headband works wonders as a biofeedback tool if you are up to.🤗
❤Nrf1 and Nrf2 activator! Yes, these two WORK (backed up by meaningful research).
Feel your body has gotten the hits of modern life?? (let’s put it that way, remember the checklist above?🖕). 
It is all natural 🙂unlike the many medications we might be already on. You can get them on the link below, highly recommended the dual synergizer (Nrf1 and Nrf2). If you think you might not need it right now, would you consider it when your health gets poor or poorer?

Yours in hustle, health and fitness,