Honor the wholeness of your body!

Managing our weight is not about calories!

There are many reasons why after you have been dieting and putting lots of efforts on managing you weight, things does not seem to fall into place. You are following a meal plan, you exercise, tried this and that, and even though the same thing seems to be working well for others, you see no results on yourself, why?.

Certainly several factors are involved, sometimes it is an indication that something is off in your body, that there is an underlying condition that maybe you haven’t put attention as yet. 

Maybe it is our bodies’ own way of saying “listen to me”, “ listen to me well”. An indication that there is something else that you have to address first before attempting to see results on the weight scale. You can’t ask your body to do something if does not have the right terrain to do so.

Let’s start with chronic stress is something likely to be  put on our shoulders by modern life. As a reaction, our body has its own physiological responses: Cortisol is released as a natural response, we all know that. It is not bad, however when the stimulus  is not resolved, not very good things come next: high levels of blood sugar, and since the body interpret the situation as of survival, it says “we got to store fat, we need more quick energy to keep the fight-flight mode on” “give me more sugar”, those sugar cravings, right?.

And there you are, your body trying to adapt, time passes on, and then you may find yourself spiraling you down into the exhaustion phase.

So exhausted all the time, you see your arm reaching to places, looking for all those sweet goodies stored away in your pantry or the bottom drawer of your desk. So, the body is in “storing fat mode (especially around the abdomen) and asking you for more sugar.

“I am stressed out because I see no results despite the efforts” you might say. Exactly, you got to do something about your coping strategies when it comes to stress.

Mind over matter” have you ever heard about it?, sure you did, change your thoughts and emotions around it may change (mindfulness and eating). Consciousness over matter!, exactly, you read my mind, spirituality may help you deal with stress and change the way our body reacts to stimuli or unresolved conflicts. Skeptical yet?, what about installing a new belief system on us, one that frees us from all the conditioning that our ego is imposed to. And then, free of all that conditioning, we can choose….love, compassion and healing.

Bottomline, let’s cultivate our spirits to have better bodies! I know you reached the same conclusion, being separated from you inner beings brings anything but health.

Okay, besides chronic stress, pollution, toxins among others translates into oxidative stress which is associated to disease, and state of physiological un-easy-ness, where you just feel unwell, not healthy.

If you are wondering about supplements to tackle the oxidative stress to reduce the damage produced by free radicals on our cells, I can suggest one. I use one that reduces 30 to 40 % of it by the third month or so, and the inversion is just like a latte or cup of coffee you pay for at Starbucks. I use it, put on them to my mom and hubby, next one will be my dad. Phytoquemicals for you.

Lastly, as we said above, weight management is not about calories, but nutrition density and quality. You already heard about  clean diet as meaning eliminating processed food. You want to know why it is important in fat metabolism? Everything that the body is unsure about turns into fat deposits, yes, it goes down to the digestive tract, but then because is not a whole food, the body interprets it as “unclassified or alien food” abd says “ let’s turn it into fat just in case”. Whole foods are the best choosing. Have you watch those ads on the tv that says “if you can not even pronounce it, don’t eat”?, sort of right, if you choose quinoa, look at the ingredients list, it has to say only “quinoa”, if it has 10 weird ingredients, then probably it is anything but quinoa, sorry for the redundance.

Bottomline, there is more to it when you want to manage your weight, it is the value you attach to it. I know you want more just than reducing inches, you want a functional body, full of vitality that allow you to live to your best potential. Want a whole body? Treat it as such, honor its WHOLENESS, and you will be blessed by your body.

Cheers to your health!

Disclaimer: I am no dietitian or health care practitioner. Visit your family doctor for health concerns.